Mini Express is the second collaboration between designer Mark Gerrits and Moaideas Game Design.
If you enjoyed Mini Rails, you’ll love exploring the various strategies of Mini Express; we know we have.
Mark Gerrits and Moaideas Game Design have distilled the complex gameplay of 18XX games into a family-friendly hour-long gaming experience.
Find out more details on our Kickstarter Campaign Page:
The above Kickstarter campaign preview page is still under construction, and we will be constantly adding more content everyday.
Let us know what you think!
We have sent a few surveys to our subscribers to help us gauge interest and prepare for the KS campaign.
If you are interested, please check out the 2 surveys below:
Comment and share with us all your questions, concerns, and excitement. We love feedback and making the best gaming experience we can for you and your friends!

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service @ moaideas net